Improve your spending habits with this free financial diary download
A simple tracking tool to help you keep a record of what you spent during a day/week/month.
Use these three steps to populate the diary:
- 1) Add item description, item price and the day (optionally also your feeling or occasion on which you had to purchase the item to track your behaviour).
- 2) Populate rest of the columns from drop down menus to categorize your item and add flags.
- 3) Finally look into the summary page to see your overall spending and the percentages.
The worksheet shows:
- How much you spent in each category (food, clothing, etc.)
- What percentage of your income goes to each category.
- Your total expenses relative to your income.
- What percentage of income is left for your savings.
- Works for any time period (monthly, annually).
Please note that to create a true picture of your situation, make sure you include all transactions, starting with your income, direct debits, normal spent and inclusive of extra ordinary purchases. The more detail you include the better image of your financial situation you will get. It takes less than couple of minutes to populate items for one day.
To download the financial diary please click here